Igniting Transformation in Skeptical Audiences

click play to watch John Marshall Roberts and learn more about this workshop
[$20 contribution if you reserve your space in advance, $25 at the door]
We encourage you to register swiftly as there are limited seats available for this workshop.
Due to popular demand and the impact of his past workshops, we are bringing John Marshall Roberts back for another round at the Project Butterfly loft...
"Igniting Transformation in Skeptical Audiences" is a fun, immediate, visceral and authentically gut-wrenching class in inspired and authentic communication for next-generation visionaries with a passion for sustainability.
John Marshall Roberts is the author of the breakthrough book "Igniting Inspiration: A Persuasion Manual for Visionaries". The book is quickly becoming an indispensable tool for a new generation of socially conscious marketers, business leaders, and activists in the Los Angeles area and beyond. [Click here to view book reviews ]
He is a rising star within the national sustainability speaking circuit, performing recent high-profile keynote and workshops at Sustainable Brands and LOHAS, as well as being featured on the inaugural Evolver.net "Beyond 2012: Practical Tools for Transformation" teleseminar series.
This workshop is for visionary greenies, eco and social entrepreneurs, non-profits, emerging leaders, artists, writers, filmmakers, journalists, bloggers, green product marketers, promoters and, simply, conscious people (you) who care and want to make a difference by... authentically focusing and expressing your ideas for greatest impact.
Vegetarian snacks and drinks will be provided.
To register in advance please click on the button below::

Location ::
Project Butterfly Loft
821 Traction Ave #108
D-Town LA, Ca 90013
[c/s Alameda
between 2nd & 3rd]
Below is an unsolicited testimonial from an attendee of John’s last workshop at Project Butterfly.
"It was an evening that left me 'sparky' and alit with happiness… I felt that John's passion fell upon the ears and hearts of people who have chosen to rise up within their circles of influence as awakened communicators.
He has a timely message that I feel will be assimilated and actualized for the benefit of the collective.
Dynamic, revealing, quickening, liberating are the keywords that describe my experience and what I am left with after being with the impact from the workshop 5 days out.
Thank you, Project Butterfly for taking an empowering position in the world community."
~Myra Jackson (Attended March 15th 2009)