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Friday, February 25, 2011

11009 :: Reiki Introduction

Project Butterfly,Reiki,Jessica Miller

Date :: 2.23.11
Time :: 7:00 - 9:30pm
Tuition :: $20 in advance or $25 at the door
Location :: PB Loft | 821 Traction Ave. #108 LA, CA 90013
Registration :: Click here

Reiki Intro Healing Night

A great chance to experience Reiki, ask questions, and get a Reiki healing attunement with Reiki Master Teacher Jessica Miller. Open to all. Reiki is a modern form of energy medicine that started in Japan that anyone can learn easily in a weekend to use on family, friends, and all areas of your life, even across distances. For those with illness, injuries or phobias, this is a hands-on opportunity to see if Reiki can help. For those considering training, it is a great chance to see what Reiki is like, to ask questions and have an experience. For current practitioners it is a way to meet, share stories, and try out your skill on new people. Evening consists of questions, examples, and recent Reiki stories from participating practitioners. Then everyone receives a healing attunement to 'soak' in Reiki's healing energy. Everyone is given a 'temporary Reiki tattoo" to strengthen the Reiki energy which allows even non-Reiki people to participate and practice perceiving energy, and doing Reiki on each other.

Project Butterfly,Reiki,Jessica Miller

Jessica Miller is an experienced Reiki Teacher, Technique Innovator and Historian, who welcomes people of all levels of ability and experience to her classes. She has been a senior licensed teacher for the renown International Center for Reiki Training since 1995, she has written numerous articles, many of which appear on her website, and has studied with Reiki masters in both Japan and America.

Thursday, February 17, 2011

11007 :: Qi Gong Initiation :: 02.13.11

project Butterfly,Jeffrey Beach,Michelle Espinosa,Qigong,Meditation,Buddhism

Date :: 13 Feb 2011 :: Sunday
Time :: 2pm – 6:30pm
Location :: Project Butterfly 821 Traction Ave. #108 LA, CA 90013
Tuition :: $50 at the door/$40 in advance
Registration :: Click Here

Rare Qi Gong Initiation and Meditation Instruction

Jeffery Beach will be visiting Los Angeles to initiate us in a rare form of Qigong known by few Westerners. We will receive a transmission of the lineage begun by Lü Dong Bin, considered one of the eight immortals of Taoism, also a Buddhist Dharma guardian and a manifestation of Manjushri, the Bodhisattva of wisdom.

Jeffery practices and has taught a rare esoteric form of Taoist-Buddhist meditational Qigong, Wuji Xian Tian (recouping primordial energy from before birth), in which he became the first Western initiate in 1986. He has practiced Yi Chuan and Xing Yi Chuan since 1974, two internal forms of Chinese Martial Arts. He became a tantric practitioner of Tibetan (Vajrayana) Buddhism in 1994.

Project Butterfly,Jeffrey Beach,Michelle Espinoza,Qigong,Meditation,Buddhism

He recently returned from Dehra Dun, India where he lived in 2009-2010. While there he was a resident at the Songtsen Library of the Drikung Kagyu lineage. His Holiness, Drikung Kyabgön Chetsang Rinpoche, the lineage holder, was so pleased with Jeffery’s meditation skills he requested that Jeff teach these techniques to young monks of the Kagyü College. Jeffery had been living in China and India almost four years by then. Once he completed the course with the young Tibetan monks, Jeffery returned to San Francisco where he now resides.

Project Butterfly,Jeffrey Beach,Michelle Espinoza,Qigong,Meditation,Buddhism

Jeffery says this about this Qigong practice, quoting the American mystic, Joel Goldsmith, “If you don’t empty yourself you can’t know the grace of God,” A seemingly incongruous quote from a 40 year Buddhist practitioner. No surprise coming from Jeffery who says that his most pro-found wish is to bring the universal principles of these spiritual teachings to all by writing and teaching with the every day words that can be applied to our daily lives, whether or not we have a spiritual practice or belief.

Jeffery has devoted his life to Buddhism for more than 40 years. He’s studied Buddhist sutras and meditation practices for 3 decades, from Chinese and Japanese Zen to Vajrayana Buddhist philosophy. He will talk about Shakti and Qi energy, how to develop it through this practice and he will teach us the same meditation techniques taught to the young Drikung Kagyu monks at the monastery in Dehra Dun, India earlier in 2010. Jeffery has two books available at

For more information, please contact ::
Michelle Espinosa |

Wednesday, February 2, 2011

11006 :: Creating Reality through Language :: 01.29.11

Project Butterfly,Naada Guerra,Dani Katz,D Miller,LA Weekly,Conscious Language

Date :: 1.29.11
Time :: SAT 3:00-6:00pm
Tuition :: $20 in advance or $25 at the door
Location :: PB Loft | 821 Traction Ave. #108 LA, CA 90013
Registration ::


Creating Reality Through Language:
An Interactive Conversation

facilitated by Naada Guerra and Dani Katz

An integral part of living as a conscious and empowered being is recognizing the importance language plays in constructing our moment-to-moment experience. In this interactive workshop, we will explore how we organize the limitless potential of absolute existence into form by way of language, and how our every word creates reality as we experience it. Together, we will explore the power that language has in the process of deliberate creation.

You are invited to an intimate gathering where, together, we will learn, practice and refine the tools and techniques that support us in mastering the intentional use of our words. This workshop will absolutely change the way you interact with yourself and the world. Join us as we grow our community of kick-ass communicators!

Project Butterfly,Dani Katz,Conscious Language,LA Weekly

Dani Katz established her reputation as one of Los Angeles' finest literary talents by way of her bold voice, her expanded perspective and her mastery of language, having published over a hundred articles in the LA Weekly, Los Angeles Times, Whole Life Times, LA Yoga and Swindle, among others. In addition to her broad spectrum of practical experience and formal studies, including a Master's Degree in Journalism, she has spent the past five years immersed in the study of empowered languaging and conscious communication, researching and perfecting the myriad ways, whys and hows that language influences our every human experience.

Project Butterfly,Naada Guerra,Conscious Language

Naada Guerra is a gifted empath and intuitive. She has earned her BA in Consciousness and Human Evolution from New York University and then went on to study Yogic philosophy and practice at Kripalu Center for Yoga and Health. During that time, she also learned Vipassana meditation in the lineage of S. N. Goenka. Her quest for knowledge lead her back to school for two more years to study massage therapy, energy healing and nutrition at the Swedish Institute of Massage Therapy and the Institute of Integrative Nutrition. She is also a Bodytalk Practitioner. She has been assisting in people's transformation for the past 10 years through her unique and highly personalized sessions.

11005 :: I Am Walking Benefit :: 01.26.11

miranda rondeau,project butterfly,sunny nixon,chriso pellani,tony moss,midori takata
Artwork by Sunny Nixon

(LIMITED SEATING please register in Advance)

Project Butterfly presents an evening of Devotional Music and a benefit for with Miranda Rondeau, Sunny Nixon, Tony Moss, Christopher Pellani and special guests.

This concert is to benefit and an invitation to support Miranda’s unique participation in this amazing project.

An evening of *Acoustic* Devotional music Rhythms, Songs & Chants "Surrendering to Love"

Miranda Rondeau- Frame Drum, Percussion, Harmonium, Guitar, Vocals
Sunny Nixon- Drums, Percussion, Didge, Guitar, Flutes
Tony Moss - Percussion, Soundscape, Vocals
Christopher Pellani - Drums, Percussion


~Screening of the "I am Walking" Trailer by Elevate Films

~Special message from Christopher Howe

~ Invitation to contribute prayers to the "I am Walking" Project

About the Project "I Am Walking"

Christopher Howe had a vision to walk from Los Angeles to Brazil, carrying and meditating with peoples prayers.

In Oct. 2008 he embarked upon that journey. Since then he’s been collecting prayers from people he randomly meets along the way, meditating and praying with them, as if they were his own.

He then exchanges the prayer with the next person he meets who wants to write a new prayer. Now, two years later he is in Peru nearing the completion of his amazing walk to Brazil that has also been about an inner journey, where Love is central.

He is currently writing a book on the project that will also explore the art of prayer, pilgrimage, adventure travel, politics, immigration, the metaphor of roads and goals in personal, political, environmental development and destruction, mysticism, love and healing.

If you cannot attend and would like to donate to the project please support Christopher Howe at

Date ::
Wednesday :: 26 Jan 2011

Time ::
7:00 - 10:00pm - Doors open @ 6:00pm

Light Refreshments will be served

Location ::
PB Loft | 821 Traction Ave. #108 LA, CA 90013

What to Bring ::
Please bring a blanket/yoga mat or meditation pillow

Contribution ::
*$20 pre-registration, $25 at the door


Miranda Rondau is a singer, songwriter, musician and frame drum artist and teacher, whose music is inspired by the inward journey. Her chanting and vocal style transcends language, bypasses the intellect, and is devotional and invoking in nature. Miranda has a body of music called "Songs of Remembrance"
reflections of Love.

sunny nixon
Sunny Nixon is an artist and musician focused on shamanic and ritual use of traditional and contemporary music as a tool for transformation and honoring the divine. For the past decade his skills on the frame drum, didgeridoo, Native American flute, and percussion have largely been offerings dedicated to community building and honoring the Sacred.

christo pellani
Christopher Pellani is a dynamic individual with a diverse range of talents. Recognized as a master drummer/percussionist,teacher, and healer, he facilitates human potential by creating experiences that blend principles of rhythm and sound awareness for personal expression and wellness.

tony moss
Tony Moss is an artist and musician in service to love. His work includes visual and theatrical creations, community gatherings, and “devotional soul” music that, combined, celebrate and explore the frontiers of human consciousness. He is currently the creative director of LuvAmp - a global coherence project that brings the heart and mind (science and spirituality) together by combining music and media technology with ancient and contemporary understandings to promote personal and planetary coherence.

11003 :: Jeremy Narby Online Video Course :: 01.23.11

Project Butterfly,Reality Sandwich,The Prophets Conference,Jeremy Narby,Wade Davis,Kat Harrison,Stanislav Grof,Eduardo Luna

Date :: 1.23.11 begins the first of 6 consecutive Sundays
Time :: 4pm EST
Price :: $99 before Jan 10th - $129 thereafter
Click here to Register & for More Info :: Awakening the Cosmic Serpent

The Prophets Conference and Reality Sandwich present a series of live online video courses called the Evolver Intensives.

The first course, hosted by Jeremy Narby, is titled "Awakening the Cosmic Serpent: Shamanism and Plant Teachers in the Transformative Time." For the course, Jeremy will give 2 lectures, and also conduct 4 one-to-one discussions with guests Stan Grof, Wade Davis, Kat Harrison, and Luis Eduardo Luna. All this takes place using a real-time, interactive video technology easily accessible to anyone with a laptop and a broadband connection. If you can see YouTube videos, you can take part in an Evolver Intensives seminar. It starts on Jan 23 and runs on 6 consecutive Sundays at 4pm EST.