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Monday, September 28, 2009

9028 "What on Earth?" Inside the Crop Circle Mystery


Project Butterfly presents an Advanced Screening of the documentary "What on Earth?" - Inside the Crop Circle Mystery.

In "What On Earth?," filmmaker Suzanne Taylor tracks her interactions, in England, as part of an international community of visionary artists, scientists, philosophers, mathematicians, educators, writers, and farmers who marvel at crop circles, the unexplained global phenomenon that has puzzled humanity for decades, and perhaps even centuries.

The superstars of the film are the circles themselves. The photography is breathtaking and awe-inspiring.

Come explore and learn more about this incredible phenomenon.

This lively evening will include:

Introduction to the film by special guest Whitley Streiber
Whitley Strieber is host of the popular "Dreamland" radio show [] and author of best-selling books including, "Communion: A True Story," and, "The Secret School: Preparation for Contact." Strieber has worked with radio personality Art Bell on their joint book, "The Coming Global Superstorm."

Q&A panel moderated by Jenny Funkmeyer


Suzanne Taylor, Producer/Director

Mary Duprey, Co-Producer/Editor

Barbara Lamb, featured in the film
Barbara is the former Executive Vice President of the Association for Past Life Research and Therapies. She has been a trainer for the Professional Institute of Regression Therapy, for the Hypnosis Clearing House, and for her independently sponsored courses. She is the author of "Crop Circles Revealed: Language of the Light Symbols," and, "Alien Experiences."

Shawn Randall, featured in the film
Shawn Randall is a metaphysical teacher and counselor and heads the Center for Personal Transformation in Los Angeles. She researches the interconnected nature of crop circle and human consciousness and is currently writing a Thesis on the subject for her Masters Degree. Her annual summer tours taking people into English crop circles focuses on experiencing the transcendence and beauty of the phenomenon while reaching out to connect with it for consciousness expansion. She believes crop circles assist us in evolving our consciousness at both the personal and collective levels. Shawn is also known as a full trance channel for the wise and loving nonphysical consciousness called Torah. Her website is

Rooftop After-Party with DJ Jun.

Downtown Independent
251 S. Main Street
Los Angeles, CA 90012

Delectable Vegan Food by a Taste of Life Vegan Soul Food will be available for purchase at the theater.

Tickets are $15. To purchase tickets please click on the button below:


Friday, September 25, 2009

9029: Grandmother and Shaman Aama Bombo

photo by Marisol Villanueva/

Join us this Thursday, September 24 for a rare and very special opportunity to meet and be blessed by Grandmother Aama Bombo of The International Council of Thirteen Indigenous Grandmothers.

Buddhi Maya Lama, who is also known as Aama Bombo (Mother Shaman), was born in the remote village of Melong in the Eastern part of the Bagmati Zone, Nepal, 65 years ago. Her father was a renowned shaman in the Nepalese Tamang tradition. Aama became a shaman in spite of the Tamang tradition that women are not supposed to practice shamanism. In the early days, her father restricted her in every way from practicing shamanism. However, when her father died at the age of eighty, his spirits and other gods and spirits started visiting and teaching her to be a shaman, against the prevailing cultural values of Tamang society.

Today, Grandmother Aama is a beloved and respected shaman in Nepal. She begins each day at 4am with prayers at the temple of the God Shiva. She treats around 100 patients each day through healings, while also cleaning their homes of negative energy and offering guidance. Patients come to visit her from around the country, as well as from India and Tibet. She treats everyone, from the poorest to the King, with equal respect and dedication. The guidance she has given to the royal family has come to pass, including the prediction of a massacre that ended their royal line. She worked a great deal with the late King Birendra Bir Bikram Shah Dev.

Grandmother Aama joined the International Council of Thirteen Indigenous Grandmothers in spreading the message of universal peace, harmony, and unity. "I am doing my prayers around the world to create a world without war and tension," says Aama. "I want to see this world full of natural beauty, where everybody will have equal rights and opportunity to share nature's womb."

Contribution: $30 ~ This event is a fundraiser for Aama Bombo

LIMITED SPACE. RSVP REQUIRED. To reserve your seat please click on the button below:


Light vegetarian snacks and drinks will be served.

Project Butterfly
821 Traction Ave #108
Los Angeles, Ca 90013

Friday, September 18, 2009

9030 :: Emerging Currency Salon


We've had a great response to the Emerging Currency Salon happening this WED. due to space constraints WE HAVE REACHED CAPACITY AND THE EVENT IS NOW CLOSED. if you did not RSVP to INFO@PROJECTBUTTERFLY.ORG you can be added to the waiting list by emailing us. this event will be filmed and there will be more soon ~please stay in touch

Green Economy Think Tank, Green Business Networking and Project Butterfly invite you to join us in an Emerging Currency Salon with Chris Lindstrom [financial visionary and complementary currency expert] and Greg Wendt [CFP Private Wealth Advisor and Co-Founder of Green Business Networking].

Come to learn and share information about complementary currencies and how they help communities worldwide.

This is a FREE event and it is limited to 40 people.

RSVP is required, please email to reserve your seat.

$12 Dinner Option from Euphoria Loves Rawvolution [raw pasta, green salad, and agave lemonade] is available. To reserve your plate please let us know in your email when you RSVP.

Euphoria Annex
[behind Rawvolution]
2307-B Main Street
Santa Monica, CA 90405

9027:: Mark Lakeman

[*$20 if you purchase tickets in advance, $25 at the door]

Project Butterfly invites you to a fundraiser for with Mark Lakeman, Co-Founder of the City Repair Project of Portland, Oregon []


Join us for dinner and an intimate conversation/presentation by Mark Lakeman.

The City Repair Project emerged in Portland, Oregon 13 years ago as a guerilla project for transformative urban insurrections. These have included radical cultural buildings with the highest natural and recycled content in the USA, dozens of street intersections transformed into community-designed public squares, villages designed and built by homeless people, fabulous permaculture installations in strategic public places, the Portland DePave movement, and an incredible diversity of innovative ecological installations across the whole geography of Portland called the Village Building Convergence. Since 1996, over 200 projects have emerged in Portland, Oregon alone as well as dozens of other cities across North America.

Mark will share his experiences in Portland and other cities with our Los Angeles' community, so that we can learn, develop and apply these ideas towards making Los Angeles a more sustainable city.

The presentation will be followed by a Q&A and dialog.

Contribution ::
$20 if you purchase tickets in advance, $25 at the door ~ Your contribution will help raise funds for
A delicious light, vegetarian dinner and drinks included


Project Butterfly Loft
821 Traction Ave #108
Los Angeles CA 90013
[c/s Alameda
between 2nd & 3rd

Monday, September 14, 2009

9026 :: Passion. Purpose. Profit.

[ Contribution: $30 each or 2 for $50 ]

Passion. Purpose. Profit.
Paths to a fulfilling life and meaningful business

Yes, you are creative, visionary and progressive, and you want to make the world a better place for generations to come. Yet you are challenged to create an abundant and fulfilling life for yourself, while turning your vision into reality.

How can you follow your passion, live your purpose and create a powerful economic engine doing it? What are the key ingredients for a fulfilling life AND meaningful business?

In this introductory workshop, we will address some of the key questions for mastering your personal and business potential. You’ll gain a deeper understanding of your passion, gifts, values and purpose. You’ll have the tools to design and implement a viable business based on who you are and what you deeply care about.



In 2005, Jing Jin left the corporate world where she had spent over a decade with multi-billion dollar corporations in marketing, human resources, total quality management and corporate finance. She followed her passion and started her own company to help entrepreneurs create and implement their vision through strategic consulting, business development, the raising of investment capital, and mergers and acquisitions. She successfully raised over $20 million for her clients in the past three years. Jing Jin received her MBA from the San Diego State University and holds a Chartered Financial Analyst (CFA) designation and an NASD security license.

Parallel to her business career, Jing Jin has dedicated her life to the study of universal principles and how to apply them in the modern business world. She has been a dedicated yoga and meditation practitioner for many years. A world traveler, she deeply appreciates the marvelous wonders of nature and human creation. Possessing a curious and inquisitive mind, she is passionate about learning, sharing, and making a positive impact in the world.

Contribution: $30 each or 2 for $50 [ includes a delicious light vegetarian dinner and drinks ]

Single Ticket $30:

2 tickets for $25 each:

Project Butterfly Loft
821 Traction Ave #108
Los Angeles, CA 90013