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Sunday, November 28, 2010

Nov 21 :: Reclaim the Holidays :: 6:30pm

Process Media,Deborah Eden Tull,Jodi Willie,D Miller,Midori Takata

A panel discussion and cocktails with Process' Self-reliance series authors
moderated by Jodi Wille

Are you ready to leave behind the era of the over-consumptive, trash-producing, stress-filled, money draining holiday season and step into a glorious new possibility? Want to "take back" the holidays and infuse a new kind of magic and meaning into the season? Across the country, people are awakening to the pleasures of living more self-sufficiently, from edible gardening and urban foraging to food preserving and community bartering. In this spirit, join us for an evening designed help you re-envision new traditions for the holiday season that are simple, sustainable, low-cost, and radically satisfying. The evening will include a panel discussion with the Process Media Self-reliance authors Erik Knutzen and Kelly Coyne (The Urban Homestead), Deborah Eden Tull (The Natural Kitchen) and Cletus Nelson (Depression 2.0), all the resources you need to get started, and more.
Sustainable snacks and bicycle-powered margaritas and other libations will be provided.

Topics include:
• The real costs of conventional gift giving
• Strategies to save money and redefine gift giving
• Ways to choose participation, connection, and sharing over consuming
• How to have a radically different approach to food and sustainability this holiday season
• Creative reuse, crafting, and do-it-yourself holiday projects
• How to weave nature back into our new traditions, right here in the city of LA

To get you started on your holiday gift savings, all Process Self-reliance Series books will be on sale at 40% off retail and signed by the authors present.

Kelly Coyne and Erik Knutzen, authors of The Urban Homestead are creators of the blog , a green living and self-sufficiency resource for urbanites. They live in Los Angeles.

Deborah Eden Tull, author of The Natural Kitchen: Your Guide to the Sustainable Food Revolution, is a sustainability consultant who has been traveling to, living in, or teaching about sustainable communities internationally for the last 17 years.

Cletus Nelson is author of Depression 2.0: Creative Strategies for Tough Economic Times

Date ::
Sun, Nov 21

Time ::
6:30 – 9:30pm

Tuition :: $15

Location ::
Project Butterfly
821 Traction Ave. #108
Downtown LA, CA 90013

Nov 18 :: Spore 1.10 :: 7:30pm

Evolver,Project Butterfly,Amanda Sage,Visionary,D Miller,Midori Takata

“The great uplifting of humanity beyond its self-destruction is the redemptive mission of art.”
-Alex Grey, “Towards a Visionary Culture”

Join Evolver Los Angeles and Project Butterfly in a night of conversation about bringing visionary insights to lived experience and co-creating the future through the convergence of science, art, technology.

"Amanda Sage is at the forefront of a new breed of visionary artists using art as a tool for personal, spiritual and planetary growth and transformation. Born 1978 in Denver, Colorado; her adventurous spirit carried her to Bali, then on to Vienna, Austria to study classical painting with Michael Fuchs, resulting in becoming a long time painting assistant to Ernst Fuchs. 'Ultimately I seek to create portals that open to the infinite possibilities of being and expressing, so that we may remember and re-discover who we are, where we originate from and where we are headed.'"

Brian Doherty is the author of This is Burning Man: The Rise of the New American Underground, which chronicles the evolution of Burning Man as a “place where accumulated cultural debris is swept aside in order to reinvent what’s important.” He is also senior editor at Reason Magazine and a member of Cacophony Society, a “network of individuals united in the pursuit of experiences beyond the pale of mainstream society through subversion, pranks, art, fringe explorations and meaningless madness.”

Kasey McMahon, a conceptual and multimedia artist who explores our “philosophical and ethical relationships with technology” and emphasizes “individual responsibility in the molding of our own realities, virtual or otherwise . . .” Kasey is also currently organizing Re Evolution, a collective of professional engineers, scientists, artists, developers and designers whose mission is to inspire future Los Angeles through a spectacular convergence of technology, culture, science, and art.

Date & Time ::
Thursday Nov 18

Tuition :: $15

Location ::
Project Butterfly
821 Traction Ave #108
Downtown LA, CA 90013
Tuition :: $15

Location ::
Project Butterfly
821 Traction Ave #108
Downtown LA, CA 90013

Tuesday, November 16, 2010

Nov 14 :: Writing the Map :: 5-8pm

Mike the Poet,Chiwan Choi,Writing Workshop,Project Butterfly,Los Angeles,D Miller,Midori Takata

Writing the Map
$25 in advance | $30 at the door

Project Butterfly invites you to join Chiwan Choi and Mike the Poet for a much anticipated writing workshop with two LA contemporary literary heroes.

It is easy to forget in its vastness, but our landscape is made up of the smallest details. When we were young, we watched an old film, Powers of Ten where the camera zooms out by the power of ten each time until we are in outer space and our world is nothing but a barely visible speck.

In Writing the Map, we will tackle the written form, both structured and free, poetry and prose, and we will make them heard, through loud chants and intense whispers, to collect the stories and details of our lives until they build our individual landscapes, our personal topographies , so we understand and share the world we have lived through our words and our voices.

We will reverse that camera that has zoomed out for so long and get back into ourselves, into our personal details and stories that have been buried for too long.

This workshop will be filled with many writing exercises and lessons.

Come prepared to write, read aloud and create.

Chiwan Choi is a writer, editor, teacher, and publisher. He has been a member of the Los Angeles Poets & Writers Collective since 1989. His poems and essays have appeared in numerous journals and magazines, including ONTHEBUS, Esquire , and circa. Chiwan’s first major collection of poetry, The Flood, was published by Tía Chucha Press in April, 2010.

He is a regular in the Los Angeles literary circuit, often invited as a featured poet at readings at The Hotel Cafe in Hollywood and the legendary Beyond Baroque in Venice. He also leads two writing workshops, one in downtown and one in Santa Monica.

After a two-year stint in New York, where he received an MFA in Dramatic Writing from the Tisch School at NYU, Chiwan returned to Los Angeles where he and his wife, Judeth Oden, launched a new publishing company to feature Los Angeles writers, Writ Large Press , in March of 2008.

Mike Sonksen, also known as Mike the Poet, has long been an integral force in the Los Angeles poetry scene. He has been widely acclaimed for his live performances, contributions to international publications and legendary city tours. Poet, journalist, historian, tour guide, and teacher, he is regularly published in the LA Citybeat, OC Weekly, New Angeles, LA Weekly, and many others. This 3rd generation L.A. native graduated from UCLA in 1997. His book, I Am Alive in Los Angeles, has been added to the curriculum of several universities and has received rave reviews.

Tuition ::
$25 in Advance | $30 at the Door

Registration ::


Date & Time ::
Sunday :: 14 Nov 2010
5:00 – 8:00pm

What to Bring ::
Pen & Paper

Location ::
Project Butterfly Loft
821 Traction Ave. – Unit #108
Los Angeles, CA 90013

Nov 13 :: Shiva Garuda Dharma :: 10am-6pm

Project Butterfly,Lama Norbu,Yuan Miao,D Miller,Midori Takata,Event,Los Angeles,Conscious

Shiva Garuda Dharma
1-day Intensive Workshop
Date: Saturday | 11.13 | 10am - 6 pm
Tuition : $75 in advance | $95 at the door

Project Butterfly welcomes Lama Norbu and Yuan Miao for a workshop on the Shiva Garuda Dharma. In this 1-day intensive workshop (suitable for all levels), we will explore the Shiva Garuda practice in-depth, experience the healing vibrational energy of sound and sacred mantras and further open our own hearts to infinite love, compassion and wisdom.

Through a potent combination of breathwork, intention, mantra and mudra, Shiva Garuda allows us to hold a higher frequency of vibrational energy while elevating our consciousness. It leads us to a state of deep, meditative focus and clarity, while attuning us to our own rising, self-healing energy.

The Shiva Garuda practice provides an expedient and beneficial dharma path to help us overcome worry and fear while balancing body, speech and mind. This heart treasure is a gift from the Divine Mother Guan Yin, revealed as a tool to help people face the challenges of our increasingly turbulent times and meet them with peace, clarity and joy.

Lama Norbu
Master of Vajrayana and an adept in Supreme Yoga Tantra, grew up in a matriarchal society near Lugu Lake (in theregion of Shangri-La). He received his Geshe “degree” (equivalent to a PhD) in Tibetan Buddhism at Sera Monastery. He recently authored Love Sutra Lama to highlight feminine spiritual awakening and its importance for our times. He currently serves as Spiritual Director of the New Century Foundation and has vowed to transmit the Shiva Garuda practice openly around the world to help all beings be free!

Dakini Yuan Miao, who is of Tibetan and Chinese descent, was raised largely by her Tibetan grandmother, Yeshe Tsoumu, an esoteric spiritual master. Her great grandfather was a rinpoche from the Nyingma lineage of Tibetan Buddhism. She is a renowned mantric singer widely acclaimed for her Phoenix Rising concert series, author of Dancing on Rooftops with Dragons and sublime painter. She is the originator of Yoga of Joy and founder of the New Century Foundation.

Tuition ::
$75 in advance or $95 at the door

Registration ::

Lunch ::
At 1pm we will break for lunch. Lunch may be purchased at the various delicious restaurants within walking distance of the Project Butterfly loft.

What to Bring ::
Please bring a yoga mat and meditation cushion (optional).

Location ::
Project Butterfly Loft
821 Traction Ave. – Unit #108
Los Angeles, CA 90013

Thursday, November 11, 2010

Nov 6-7 :: Leaders Causing Leaders

Project Butterfly,Leaders,D Miller,Midori Takata

Project Butterfly is honored to be part of the seminal mega-event Leaders Causing Leaders. This event will be held on Saturday, Nov. 6, 9AM- Midnight and Sunday, Nov. 7, 9AM-6PM at the Long Beach Convention Center.

The 2-day immersive event will feature 100+ speakers such as Nassim Haramein, Guru Singh, Mark Victor Hansen, Byron Katie, Jason Mraz, Matthew and Terces Engelhart, John Friend, Mikki Willis…, plus panels, interactive workshops, yoga, a film screening room curated by the Topanga Film Festival, a live concert on Saturday evening and an area dedicated to youth and teen programs.

Along with offering our work and support for this event, Project Butterfly will be presenting a Leadership Council facilitated by Laura Whitney of the Ojai Foundation and Eric Baumgartner of Urban Remedy on Saturday Nov 6th at 2:30pm.

Registration ::
Leaders Causing Leaders ::
Project Butterfly community receives a 25% discount
Click Here > Select Type of Ticket > Select Add to Cart
> Add in Coupon Code :: butterfly :: to receive the 25% discount

Information ::

Date & Time ::
NOV 06 :: 9am – Midnight
NOV 07 :: 9am – 6pm
Leadership Council :: NOV 06 :: 2:30pm

Location ::
Long Beach Convention Center
300 E Ocean Blvd
Long Beach, CA 90802