11061 :: Tar Sands & Keystone XL Pipeline :: 12.06.11

Date :: Tuesday | 6 DEC 2011
Time :: 7:30-10:30pm | Doors Open @ 7pm
Location :: All Saints Church [in the Forum]
132 North Euclid Avenue Pasadena, CA 91101
Suggested Donation :: $15 [no one turned away for lack of funds]
Registration :: http://j.mp/EndofOil
Facebook Invite :: http://tiny.cc/TippingPt
"TIPPING POINT :: The End of Oil"
Tar Sands Documentary and Panel
Wilder Utopia and Burbank Green Alliance are hosting screening of “Tipping Point- The End of Oil” with discussion on the Alberta Tar Sands & How We Can Heal Our Impact (by Breaking the Fuel Addiction.)
This is a rare chance to hear First Nations Activist and Actress Tantoo Cardinal. She will be discussing “The Impact of the Tar Sands on Indigenous Cultures and Healing Our Mother Earth Connection.” We also welcome Rae Breaux, national organizer for Tar Sands Action who will speak on “Nonviolent Resistance and the Future of the Keystone XL Pipeline.” The panel will be moderated by Jack Eidt of Wilder Utopia
Participants will gain a better understanding of the largest industrial project in human history (the Alberta Tar Sands) and learn positive steps to help heal the impact from our fossil fuel addiction. Community booths, treats and drinks will also be available. (go zero waste and bring a mug.) Tickets are by Suggested Donation; no-one turned away for lack of funds. FREE PARKING!
For more information and to RSVP :: http://j.mp/EndofOil
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