11040 :: Gnawa Trance & Dance :: 08.17.11

Date :: 17 AUG 2011
Time :: Thurs 7:00pm - 8:30pm
Location :: Project Butterfly Loft | 821 Traction Ave. #108 LA 90013
Facebook Invite :: Click Here
Tuition :: S15 in Advance | $20 at the Door
Registration :: Click Here
An introductory session to Gnawa Trance & Dance
with Moroccan Healer Lyna Monfray
Ecstatic communing through dance can reveal hidden thresholds though which we may gain passage to visionary experiences ancient and timeless. Through intention setting and radical trust of our bodies' innate wisdom, we can connect to an inner fire or energy that is vital and purifying. Being initiated into dance as a healing and spirituality modality is gracefully transformative.
Lyna, a noted Moroccan healer deeply practiced in leading ecstatic dance rituals, will present a rare introductory session about this Sufi dance form to those unable to frequently travel to Morocco in order to work with her. Those seeking a deeper understanding of this experience are especially encouraged to attend.
Lyna Monfray is directly descended from the Gnawa Brotherhood, she was introduced to the rhythms and rituals of these masters of sound as a very young girl. From regions south of the Sahara, the Gnawas represent, one of the Sufi brotherhoods, a branch of healer musicians. They use musical rhythms to awaken and gradually raise the vibratory level of our senses and bodies.
Lyna will also speak about a two day TRANCE and DANCE workshop (August 20th-21st) she will facilitate in an enchanting home in the Hollywood Hills. This workshop is an exceptional opportunity to be expertly led by into ritual possession through elusive trance states. Deep healing is induced within participants through altering consciousness with hypnotic rhythms and ecstatic dancing.
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