11014 :: Kunlun Nei Gung :: 02.26-27.201

Date :: 26-27 Feb 2011 :: Saturday & Sunday
Time :: 11:00am – 3:00pm [both days], please arrive by 10:45am to Check In
Location :: Meditation Mount | 10340 Reeves Rd. Ojai, CA 93023
[1.5 hrs north of Los Angeles]
Registration & Cost :: $300 for both days
Online registration required
[Space is limited to 50 people and this seminar will sell out]
Primordial Alchemist LLC and Moonstar Productions invite you to Meditation Mount in the sacred valley of Ojai to receive ancient teachings from MAX to re-awaken to ones highest potential.
This event is sponsored by Project Butterfly.
KUNLUN NEI GUNG™ System is an ancient practice designed to facilitate self-empowerment and rapid re-awakening. Through this simple and yet profound system, one can regenerate and purify the physical body while activating dormant and unlimited potential within the DNA. This blissful internal energy practice can open the body's energy system, which is comprised of 72,000 nadis (energetic pathways). The end result is that the channels can handle much stronger current/frequencies.
It is not required to go to a temple or to change your life in any fashion, it only requires you “live” your practice. This art is the “downward” flow or path of water compared to other systems that use the “upward” or fire path. Both attain spiritual awareness. The KUNLUN NEI GUNG System is for those seeking awakening according to the laws of nature and the Tao, the great mystery.

Max Christensen also known as Ching Fung Dao Shr (Chinese Taoist), Sifu Max, and Lama Ngakpha Dorje (Tibetan) has dedicated his life to studying, understanding, and bringing forth a wealth of traditional spiritual and esoteric practices from around the world. His spiritual journey began at the tender age of six when he commenced studying with Wudang Master Wu Xiao Deng of Hubei province. His thirst for knowledge and wisdom of Spiritual truths inspired him to travel around the world which led him to study with many traditional teachers from diverse cultures ranging from Wudang Taoism, Baqua, Qigong and Daoyin.
Contact ::
Diana Aubrey :: e: info@primordialalchemist.com
Kay Moonstar :: #213 448-1502
What to bring and wear ::
The floor is not carpeted, so please bring a yoga mat, sheep skin or blanket. Especially if you need to ground during the practice, you know who you are :)
Bring an Item for the altar, water, snacks and journal
Wear layered comfortable clothes
Web site ::
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