11007 :: Qi Gong Initiation :: 02.13.11

Date :: 13 Feb 2011 :: Sunday
Time :: 2pm – 6:30pm
Location :: Project Butterfly 821 Traction Ave. #108 LA, CA 90013
Tuition :: $50 at the door/$40 in advance
Registration :: Click Here
Rare Qi Gong Initiation and Meditation Instruction
Jeffery Beach will be visiting Los Angeles to initiate us in a rare form of Qigong known by few Westerners. We will receive a transmission of the lineage begun by Lü Dong Bin, considered one of the eight immortals of Taoism, also a Buddhist Dharma guardian and a manifestation of Manjushri, the Bodhisattva of wisdom.
Jeffery practices and has taught a rare esoteric form of Taoist-Buddhist meditational Qigong, Wuji Xian Tian (recouping primordial energy from before birth), in which he became the first Western initiate in 1986. He has practiced Yi Chuan and Xing Yi Chuan since 1974, two internal forms of Chinese Martial Arts. He became a tantric practitioner of Tibetan (Vajrayana) Buddhism in 1994.

He recently returned from Dehra Dun, India where he lived in 2009-2010. While there he was a resident at the Songtsen Library of the Drikung Kagyu lineage. His Holiness, Drikung Kyabgön Chetsang Rinpoche, the lineage holder, was so pleased with Jeffery’s meditation skills he requested that Jeff teach these techniques to young monks of the Kagyü College. Jeffery had been living in China and India almost four years by then. Once he completed the course with the young Tibetan monks, Jeffery returned to San Francisco where he now resides.

Jeffery says this about this Qigong practice, quoting the American mystic, Joel Goldsmith, “If you don’t empty yourself you can’t know the grace of God,” A seemingly incongruous quote from a 40 year Buddhist practitioner. No surprise coming from Jeffery who says that his most pro-found wish is to bring the universal principles of these spiritual teachings to all by writing and teaching with the every day words that can be applied to our daily lives, whether or not we have a spiritual practice or belief.
Jeffery has devoted his life to Buddhism for more than 40 years. He’s studied Buddhist sutras and meditation practices for 3 decades, from Chinese and Japanese Zen to Vajrayana Buddhist philosophy. He will talk about Shakti and Qi energy, how to develop it through this practice and he will teach us the same meditation techniques taught to the young Drikung Kagyu monks at the monastery in Dehra Dun, India earlier in 2010. Jeffery has two books available at Amazon.com.
For more information, please contact ::
Michelle Espinosa | rareworlds@gmail.com
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