Animal Tracking with Jim Lowery • 06.05.10 • 8:30am-3:30pm

Animal Tracking Class with Jim Lowery
Tracking is an ancient skill that has been called a person’s “first communication with the earth.” Identifying tracks, reading them for an animal’s mood and behavior, and following them to understand the web of life in a natural area, are skills we modern people can use to connect to the land. Tracking is also an invaluable tool to understand, appreciate, and protect open space around us.
Jim Lowery of Earth Skills [] has taught tracking to thousands of students from middle school students to field biologists for 23 years and will give you a solid introduction to the art with lots of practice in this seven-hour class. Jim has taught specialized workshops in track interpretation and animal movement as well as clinics in tracking badgers, black bears, mountain lions and bighorn sheep among other animals. He is the author of The Tracker’s Field Guide (Globe Pequot 2006). This workshop will definitely change the way you see things! Class size limited to 15 to preserve quality of instruction.
Contribution: $68
Malibu Creek State Park
Participants in this class will receive a $20 discount in the next class they take with Earth Skills, for example Plant Uses, Survival, Nature Awareness, Earth Philosophy or Advanced Tracking.

Jim Lowery founded Earth Skills in 1987 as an extension of his longtime passion for wilderness adventure. He has completed nine specialized classes in tracking, wilderness survival and related subjects from Tom Brown, Jr.'s Tracking, Nature and Wilderness Survival School in New Jersey, and has supplemented this study with other teachers as well as with thousands of hours in the field. Among the hundreds of classes and workshops he has taught over the past twenty-two years have been many special trainings for universities, naturalists, docents, teachers and wildlife biologists.
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