10008 • 20in10tion • 02.11.10 • 7:30-10pm

A hands-on workshop designed to help you articulate your goals and intentions for this year and the years to come with Deborah Eden Tull of Creative Green [www.creativegreen.net] and D Miller co-Founder of Project Butterfly.
One month has passed in 2010, now is the time to be clear and firm with your vision for this year. This clarity will benefit you and your community. The evening will consist of various writing exercises, meditations, and conversations.
This workshop will help you make a personal plan for 2010 and give you the tools to actualize this on a daily basis.
Doors will open at 7pm, the event will begin promptly at 7:30pm.
Please bring a pen, a pad of paper, a blanket/yoga mat or meditation pillow and a dessert to share.
Light snacks and drinks will be provided.
Contribution: $15 if you purchase by Feb 08/ $20 at the door
To Register:

Project Butterfly
821 Traction Ave #108
Los Angeles, Ca 90013
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