Session 016 | THU | 23 OCT 08 | 7pm | $35
Drumming, Yoga and Chanting in the Ancient Bee Priestess Tradition
Project Butterfly invites you to join Layne Redmond for a unique gathering of Drumming, Yoga and Chanting in the Ancient Bee Priestess Tradition.
We will be Chanting, overtone singing, and humming sacred sounds to the rhythms of the frame drum. This is an ancient technique for directly synchronizing the mind/body, creating conditions for psychological, physical, and spiritual healing. The ancient Bee Priestesses, called the Melissa in Greek, or the Deborahs in Hebrew, served the Bee Goddesses: Aphrodite, Artemis, Cybele, Demeter, Persephone, Neith, all associated with the frame drum!!
The seven realms of consciousness emanate from the first sound -- the pulse of the cosmic drum -- the heartbeat of the goddess! The Maha Devi or Great Goddess, Kundalini, manifests in sound form as a queen bee surrounded by bees known as Bhramari Devi, who awakens in a buzz of ascending consciousness and descending spiritual grace. This ascending buzzing energy illuminates the chakras which are interconnected with areas of the brain that are silent in the unawakened state. The brain explodes into awareness as these dormant areas are activated.
Many of the bee priestesses functioned as oracles. The drumming, humming, and pranayama practices traditionally are said to develop the oracular aspect of the mind. In the ancient world the oracle was a highly valued and honored position. The Pythia, the oracle at Delphi, was one of the most powerful positions in the ancient Greek world for over 1000 years.
This gathering will open with the drumming of Layne Redmond and her senior students and then we will explore these ancient practices through chanting, overtone singing, humming practices, and a slide lecture on the practices of the drumming bee priestesses who served the Bee Goddesses.
A delicious farmers market fresh vegan meal will be served.
The price for this event is $35
To secure your space please follow this link:
The Project Butterfly Loft
821 Traction Ave. #108
Downtown LA, CA 90013
[between Alameda & Santa Fe
and between 2nd & 3rd Street
in the Arts District]
Inner and outer peace,
Project Butterfly
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