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About the Artist
In a world of abundant poetic talents and the ever-expanding mystic genre,Dreaming-Bear Kanaan emerges as a consummate artist of quantum conscious poetry. Weaving together exquisitely crafted, luminous sentence tapestries,Dreaming-Bear¹s poetic delivery has been described as Rumi meets Hafiz.
Profoundly passionate and inspiring, this stunningly beautiful alchemy penetrates and opens the heart with healing effects that have been called ³prophetic!² and transformational, a lightening rod for joy!²
Classically trained, Dreaming-Bear graduated with a Master¹s Degree in performance studies from California State University Long Beach, and for years has been a celebrated author, troubadour, professor, activist, poet, & ordained mystic shaman.
Blending the ancient & contemporary, he immersed himself in inspirational performances on stage, in films, colleges, conscious communities, humanitarian benefit concerts, & in homes & private venues world wide via international tours, TV, & pod-casts.
For the last decade, he has been involved in a deeply personal journey of literally turning tears into tenderness, by using his gift as an orator, to raise awareness & action on behalf of refugees & victims of war.
Dreaming-Bear is the prodigy of Cherokee & Palestinian parentage, raised in both worlds; mid-east & mid-west literally meet within him, & his family suffers along with thousands of others in war torn refugee camps in Southern Lebanon. It is this paradoxical heritage, which gives Dreaming-Bear the global perspective & unifying presence to create open dialogues of compassion, whilst meeting humanitarian needs, & inspiring people of all incarnations to rise together in love.
³Poetry is a life path, a spiritual journey that has given a way to turn the darkness of cruelty & violence into the light of joy & celebration,² says Dreaming-Bear. ³These poems are vessels for the voice of the universe to open hearts to ever-deepening levels of authenticity, compassion and self-acceptance.²
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