12011 :: Miranda Rondeau Concert & Video Release :: 03.25.12

Date :: 03.25.12 | Sunday
Time :: 5:00-9:00pm
Location :: Museum of Music and Instruments
711 Hampton Dr., Venice, CA 90291
Registration ::
$15 in Advance thru March 24th
$20 at the door
$25 offers extra love support
Facebook Link :: CLICK HERE
Project Butterfly & LuvAmp present
and Special Guests
Rowan Storm, Judy Piazza, Marla Leigh, Catherine Braslavsky and Dana Maman
in Concert
An Evening of World Music in Honor and Celebration of
Women's History Month, the Spring Equinox
and the world premiere of
Miranda Rondeau's music video tribute to the rich past, present and future of Women's Frame Drumming.
The evening will include ::
Miranda Rondeau and COR*
Plus performances by internationally-renowned Frame Drummers and signature series frame drum artists Rowan Storm, Judy Piazza and Marla Leigh

Rowan Storm www.rowanstorm.com

Judy Piazza www.resonanceandrhythms.com

Marla Leigh www.marlaleigh.com
+ special guests

Catherine Braslavsky www.naturalchant.com

Dana Maman< http://danamaman.com
*COR: Miranda Rondeau and:

Tony Moss https://www.facebook.com/animysticlove

Sunny Solwind www.solwindfeather.com

Christo Pellani www.SoundFormation.com
:::::: Event Sponsor ::::::

Cooperman Drums www.cooperman.com

A special thank you to
Layne Redmond www.layneredmond.com
for her contribution to the music video and for bringing us the history
of women frame drummers via her book
" When the Drummers Were Women"