12009 :: The Electric Jesus :: 02.16.12

Date :: 16 Feb 2012 | Thursday
Time :: 7:30-10:30pm
Location :: PB Loft | 821 Traction Ave. #108 LA, CA 90013
Pricing & Registration :: Click links below to register
$15 for Reading, Story Telling & Chakra Activation
$25 for Full Event & Signed Copy of the Book
RSVP & Info :: rsvp@projectbutterfly.org
Facebook Event Page :: Click Here
Evolver LA, Lucent Dossier, What on Earth? & Project Butterfly Present….
The Electric Jesus: The Healing Journey of a Contemporary Gnostic
Chakra Activation & Storytelling
with Evolver & Co-Founder Jonathan Talat Phillips
When Jonathan Talat Phillips experienced a devastating loss as a countercultural media activist, he unwittingly embarked on a mystical journey marked by underground ayahuasca ceremonies, kundalini awakenings, prankster spirit guides, shapeshifting extraterrestrials at the Burning Man festival, and miraculous energy healings that reshaped his skeptical worldview. In The Electric Jesus (edited by bestselling 2012 author Daniel Pinchbeck), Phillips chronicles the rise of an international movement that is trailblazing visionary ways to address our current planetary crisis through raised consciousness. Phillips delves into his own Christian background, discovering the lost rites of the mystery schools and their secret “electric” messages concerning personal transformation and a potential evolutionary shift for our world.
The night will open with musical performances by Miranda Rondeau, Sunny Solwind and Dylan Byrne and a chakra activation to get our energies flowing, followed by a reading, and a community discussion about the Evolver Social Movement and a rising consciousness culture flowering across the planet.
About the Author ::

Jonathan Talat Phillips co-founded the cutting edge web-magazine Reality Sandwich and social network for conscious collaboration Evolver.net, coordinating the Evolver Spores program with 40+ regional chapters. Jonathan is an initiate of the International Sufi Order, founder of the NYC Gnostics, and creator of “The Ayahuasca Monologues: Tales of the Spirit Vine.” He is a Reiki Master and certified in Bioenergetic Therapy from the Connecticut Healing Institute. He has a practice in NYC and does Skype sessions. www.TalatHealing.com
Praise for The Electric Jesus ::
“A modern Odyssey of awakening, Jonathan Talat Phillips's journey into Gnosticism deeply resonates with the eccentric moment. The Electric Jesus, a spiritual autobiography, reveals a life lived in the light of transformation, searching for the mystic core of a planetary civilization.” —Alex Grey, co-founder of the Chapel of Sacred Mirrors, author of The Mission of Art
"A fresh, vigorous, and often startling account of a man's introduction to higher planes of reality. If you've ever wondered what the new consciousness movement is about, read this book and find out." —Richard Smoley, author of Inner Christianity and The Dice Game of Shiva: How Consciousness Creates the Universe
About Miranda Rondeau ::
Miranda Rondeau is a singer, musician and frame drum artist. Her vocals transcend language, bypasses the intellect, and is devotional and invoking in nature. She has been performing since 1994 both as a soloist and within various percussion ensembles throughout California. Miranda is often invited to perform, as the opening music for many communities,events and speakers including : NAFDA concert at Tamburi Mundi Frame Drum Festival 2009, NAFDA California frame drum festival 2009, Raw Lifestyle Film Festival 2008, The Good Medicine 2008-07, Gaia Festival 2007-9, Elevate Films Parallel University 09, REMO RMC Drum.events, Evolver LA events, Project Butterfly events hosting 13th Indigenous Grandmothers, Amma Bombo, Agnes Baker, activist Starhawk, and Daniel Pinchbeck.She Co-founded the musical group COR (Circle of Remembrance) and is Creative Consultant of Luvamp Project
Miranda also initiated and created an on-line presence for Women Frame Drumming via myspace, facebook, and Youtube. She also has a body of devotional songs in english written on guitar and refers to these works as Songs of Remembrance. www.myspace.com/MirandaRondeau
Dylan Byrne ::
Video of Dylan