11004 :: The Awaken Weekend :: 1.15-16.11

Date :: SAT-SUN :: 1.15-16.11
Time :: SAT 10am-5pm | SUN 9am - 5pm
Location :: PB LOFT | 821 Traction Ave. #108 LA, CA 90013
Registration & More Info :: The Awaken Weekend
Event Description by Charu
For those of us who have devoted years of our lives to self-development and spiritual growth, we often find that no matter how much self-awareness we have cultivated we are still not experiencing the relationships & sex-life we long for… even worse, we know that the old models of ‘spicing up your sex life’ are not authentic to us…
Who do we even go to with our very real questions about how to navigate sex & relationship in a new way?
My name is Charu and I help people create deeply fulfilling, aligned, intimacy-rich relationships (beginning with yourself) that break-through the deformed model we have been handed and make way for a new way of relating grounded in truth and love.
In the Awaken to Your Body weekend event, I am going to share a simple, easy-to-follow, step-by-step 5,000 year old system that will help you carve an internal pathway to the relationship and sex-life that you know is possible (whether you are presently single or in partnership).
We will be establishing a new paradigm, uniting ancient meditations with comprehensive knowledge of how to integrate these tools into your life. Throughout the weekend we will work with different elements of active meditations to move you into a place of feeling your body in a completely new way, allowing pleasure to flow through you, experiencing your true power and deeply loving yourself.
You will be guided within a very safe space into uncharted territory and introduced to simple, but profound exercises which hold the key to breaking through habitual patterns. These patterns have been holding you back from experiencing the depth of relationship you long for, the abundance that can often seem just out of reach and literally the absolute joy and ecstasy of a life lived fully.
Awaken is not about changing who you are or creating more ideals to live up to - it's about awakening to the PRESENT and allowing yourself to fully feel the great pleasure and freedom of simply being alive. For greater results and impact than you've ever imagined... for yourself, your relationships, and the world.
This workshop is open to both couples and singles and is designed to:
* Discover how your sexuality is your greatest tool for spiritual growth
* Awaken new possibilities in how you relate to your own body, how you relate to your lover and how you relate to your life
* Free blocks in your body that are keeping you from experiencing pleasure
* Unleash a natural and integrated sexual awakening
* All exercises are fully clothed with no sexual contact
Because I want everyone who has a 'yes' for this event to be able to attend, I am also offering a payment plan.
Click here to register in 3 payments of $150

Charu has dedicated her life to Tantra. Over the past 10 years she has studied and shared Tantra worldwide. Best-known for her candid Memoirs of a Tantrika blog and her down-to-earth approach, she is committed to educating modern minds on the ancient secrets of Tantra through coaching, events & home-study courses. If you would like to discover how Tantra can Transform your life, register online for the Memoirs of a Tantrika weekly ezine at www.embodytantra.com