Project Butterfly welcomes Larry Santoyo of Earthflow [LA] and Mark Lakeman of City Repair [Portland, OR] for an intimate conversation on the Permaculture movement in LA & Portland. The similarities, the differences & the possibilities...
Both Santoyo and Lakeman are considered luminaries/visionary pioneers in the field of Permaculture, both have inspired and educated thousands and both are dynamic and knowledgeable presenters.
Permaculture is a world-wide movement founded by Bill Mollison & David Holmgren. Permaculture looks to Nature to recreate and mimic systems where each element contributes to the success of the whole. Commonalities in all ecosystems reflect guidelines for designers to use.
The philosophy of Permaculture is to reduce the impact that human settlements have on non-renewable and renewable resources, while creating an abundant living environment, catering to the needs of all living creatures.
Permaculture is a science developed through the observation and analysis of natural systems. Through this analysis set structural patterns common to all natural systems emerge. Permaculture design then applies these "Patterns" to the development of sustainable human settlements, harmoniously integrating landscape and people while providing food, energy, shelter, and other material and non-material needs in a sustainable way. -From Bill Mollison's website,
Mark Lakeman is the founder of the design-build activist organization
The City Repair Project, and also
Communitecture, Inc., the award-winning architecture and planning collaborative, both based in Portland, Oregon. In the 25 years of Mark's creative engagement in urban design, public and fine art, architecture, and planning, his work has been inspiring and transformative for communities across the continent. His projects include national prototypes at many scales, and his awards and distinctions include the Lewis Mumford Award for Socially Responsible Design (ADPSR), support from The National Endowment For the Arts, and numerous AIA and regional design awards.

Larry Santoyo, Vice President and Field Director of the Permaculture Institute USA, Founder of the LA Permaculture Guild and Director of the ecological planning firm, EarthFlow Design Works. L. Santoyo is an ex-lawman (and outlaw!) has 30 years experience in natural building and sustainable landscape construction including 20 years experience as a Permaculture Designer and Educator. Santoyo also taught with Bill Mollison in Australia and in the US. Larry received the Permaculture Community Service Award from the Permaculture Institute (Australia) for his pioneering work.
www.earthflow.comSponsored by LA City Repair, Earthflow, Project Butterfly and Communitecture
Tuition ::
$30 prepay or $35 at the door
Registration ::

Date & Time ::
28 September 2010
Dinner ::
A d-licious vegetarian meal and drinks are included.
Location ::
Project Butterfly Loft
821 Traction Ave - Unit #108
Los Angeles, CA 90013
[Downtown Arts District]