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Tuesday, August 31, 2010

10025 :: Shaman Durek :: 08.22.10

Web Shaman 741x741

Project Butterfly invites you to a dinner and an evening presentation with Shaman Durek.

Shamanism is about having a personal relationship with Source and Nature. In this evening you will discover how to incorporate a modern-day understanding of spirituality into your life, identifying with Spirit and breaking through self-created barriers and illusions.

Shaman Durek will take you on a journey with sacred chants and spirits, opening energies to cleanse your body of toxins and poisons while showing that living in your truth and power will reveal a world of unlimited possibility.

Shaman Durek

Shaman Durek is a spiritual guide and healer to clients across the globe, ranging from famous celebrities and European royalty to poverty-stricken, inner city children. He applies ancient spiritual wisdom coupled with decades of devoted study and practice of both western and eastern religions, schools of thought, and healing modalities to help clients achieve success, happiness and healing in their lives. After living, studying, and working with clients around the world, Shaman Durek is now based in Los Angeles, California, where he strives to avail its urban dwellers with services once limited to those living in the jungle. He has been featured in Details Magazine, the LA Weekly, Whole Life Times, Yogi Times, Daily Candy and on E! TV. He is also a columnist for Huffington Post and Frontiers magazine, and hosts a weekly radio show called Get Real With Shaman Durek, on

Tuition ::
$30 contribution at the Door
$25 if you register by Aug 18


Time ::
6:00pm Doors Open Dinner Served
7:00pm Shaman Durek begins

Location ::
Project Butterfly Loft
821 Traction Ave. - Unit #108
Los Angeles, CA 90013

10026 :: Dance Party :: 23 Aug 2010

Web Dance Party

On August 23, 2010 you are invited to a Project Butterfly Dance Party and birthday celebration for D Miller, co-founder of Project Butterfly and John Wyatt of Cinespia.

The night will be filled with great music, spoken word, funky folks and live performances.

The line-up includes but is not limited to the following ::

Jun [Umoja/Project Butterfly]
Dina J [Dr. Who]
Paul T [Sarcastic Disco]
Dewey Chan [Sunny Side Up]
Onename [glowin]
Hair [Free/Cinespia]
D Abstract [Project Butterfly]
More to be announced...

Spoken Word Artists ::
Mike the Poet
Rich Ferguson
Chiwan Choi
More to be announced...

Plus Special Guests!!!

Date & Time ::
Monday :: 23 Aug 2010
9:00pm - 2:00am

Location ::
e. 3rd St. Lounge
734 East 3rd Street
Los Angeles, CA 90013
[located around the block from the Project Butterfly loft]

The restaurant serves Dinner till 1am

Entry ::
*FREE with RSVP to
$5 at the Door without RSVP

Tuesday, August 17, 2010

10024 :: Life Mastery Training :: 08.15.10

Life Mastery

Project Butterfly invites you to a dinner and an evening presentation with Jay Levin.

Jay Levin, founder and former editor of the LA Weekly, will be presenting an introductory orientation to his Life Mastery Tools course. We know many people who have benefited by Jay's work, tonight we will provide the platform for you to intimately experience it for yourself.

Jay's description of his work ::
The orientation and the exercises you will learn during it, provide a compelling and eye-opening experience that dramatically realigns your sense of self and understanding of the world in one sitting. It opens inner doors to tremendous levels of rapid growth and mastery within your own sensitivity.

This introduction is a doorway to a unique training program that you can use for yourself, or to become a coach to others. It supports anyone seeking a new direction, needing a fresh perspective on relationships or is struggling financially.

You will learn tools that will give you more confidence in nearly every situation and make you better able to cope when challenged.


Testimonials ::
"The Life Mastery Course that Jay guided me through was a thoroughly transformative experience and I recommend anyone at any level to experience this powerful work. It is essentially a basic course in learning about how to approach life from an authentic place and I don't know anyone that wouldn't benefit from deepening their knowledge in regards to that." - Peter Youngblood Hills

Tuition ::
$25 contribution at the Door
$20 if you register by Aug 14
*If you are feeling the call to be part of this evening but are limited on funds please e: to discuss options.


Time ::
6:00pm Doors Open - Dinner Served
6:30pm Jay Levin begins

Location ::
Project Butterfly Loft
821 Traction Ave. - Unit #108
Los Angeles, CA 90013