Project Butterfly Session 005 | 06.15.08 | 6pm – 11pm | $35
RSVP Required: info@projectbutterfly.org
Project Butterfly will be hosting a very special Tantra workshop to be held on Sunday, 15th of June 2008 guided by Charu. We have been fortunate to have had the opportunity to participate in a Tantra workshop with Charu before in another setting and we had a beautiful experience.
This is an opportunity to experience a deeper understanding of sexuality, sexual energy and the union between the divine masculine and the divine feminine. For those that are interested in learning more about Tantra we encourage you to join us for this unique opportunity.
However, there are only 12 spots remaining [6 for Men and 6 for Women] - as space is limited to a total of 24 people. Singles and couples are welcome.
If this event resonates with you please RSVP to Project Butterfly and pay online to secure your space at the following link.
We will begin at 6pm and we will be serving a delicious vegetarian meal afterwards around 9pm, “all Farmers Market fresh”.
Please RSVP to info@projectbutterfly.org
Located @ the Project Butterfly Loft
821 Traction Ave. #108 in Downtown LA, CA 90013
Between Alameda & Santa Fe and between 2nd & 3rd Street
In the Arts District
Inner & Outer Peace,
Project Butterfly

Information on Tantra by Charu & Kay Moonstar.
Tantra offers that we are all orgasmic beings...not that we can 'have
orgasms' once in a while, but that orgasm is actually our natural state of being. We do not experience this in our lives often because we are holding tensions in our body due to un-felt or repressed experiences.
Much of the work of the Tantric meditations serves to unlock the body to make way for this free-flow of energy...the life-force energy that could also be referred to as orgasm.
Join Charu and discover Tantra in this experiential class. Wake up to an entirely new perspective on life and sexuality and how your 'sexual' energy is the most powerful force for transformation. Without an embracing and understanding of our sexuality we are often left fragmented as we grasp to discover ourselves.
We will explore a myriad of active meditations adapted from ancient texts and modern teachings. This is a path of meditation, an invitation to wake up to the bliss of this present moment. What sets this path apart from other spiritual paths is its emphasis on awakening through the senses. By coming back to the wisdom of the body, we open to the truth within ourselves and integrate it on a cellular level.
We will explore meditations which enable us to connect deeply with our bodies and our hearts. We also use practices to share this deeper connection with each other. We are then able to experience ourselves and each other in a more profound way, as we embody the deeper levels of truth and love within us.
Tel: 323.363.3135
embody truth, embody love...embody tantra.